Hoochie Mamas
My definition of a hoochie mama is probably different than yours, but regardless if you think a hoochie mama is a woman dressed like a Ho or a woman dressed inappropriately; let's face it, it's a woman who doesn't know how to dress for shit. Mind you it has nothing to do with fashion, but more to do with taste. What kind of moron dresses in mini skirts, and tank tops in the middle of 25 degree winter weather? Than have the audacity to complain it's cold. Give me a fucking break! These women are nothing more than insecure borderline older women who are trying to maintain their youth. Let me tell you something ladies, it ain't gonna work. You're not fooling anyone but yourself. My aunt is a hoochie mama. At 73 she still dresses like a twenty-five year old. It's ridiculous and she looks ridiculous. I'm not saying a woman in her seventies should dress in catalog elastic waist polyester slacks and a short-sleeved shirt in a print more suited for upholstering a couch, but use some fricking common sense. Then again there are the other older ladies who go to the other extreme. Sure, they dress appropriately for their age, but unfortunately their clothing is circa 1940; not to mention they tend to liberally slather on the face makeup. I'm sorry but they too are hoochie mamas. I recall a time years ago when I was at a small beach in Southern California. It was a sunny day in March. The few people at this beach were dressed in either shorts or capris- appropriate for the weather. Along comes this overweight woman wearing a bikini. Now I have nothing but empathy for super overweight people, being a former one myself, but this woman was down right disgusting. What in the hell made her think she could pull off a skimpy outfit like this? She was not tan. In fact she was a true honky - extremely pale. She had rolls of fat all over the place. The truly sad part about this woman was she was extremely loud. She was in fact the only person in her group wearing a bathing suit. I felt sorry for her and her companions; another girl, probably a best friend and two Marines from Camp Pendleton looking to get fucked. This obviously insecure woman was screaming to be loved. So my point is, a hoochie mama to me is nothing more than an insecure women wanting to be loved because they obviously don't love themselves.