Lions and Tigers and Potlucks, Oh My!

I have lived in the state of Arizona for a little more than ten years now, and today, after reading an article in the newspaper I learned that it is illegal to hold potlucks unless in the workplace.  WTF?  What stupid head (a great name for today's politicians) thought up this moronic law, and what bigger stupid head enacted it?  So, I'm guessing that there are a lot of former law abiding citizens that have committed this crime by bringing food to a neighborhood block potluck party or even a church potluck.  OMG!  Quick, call the cops, pastor Buckminster's seventy-five year old wife has brought a bowl the size of Chicago of Waldorf salad to the table.  Further in the article it mentioned something about the health board.  So I'm guessing that this law was passed to stop the rampant outbreak of people making potluck dishes for the purpose of poisoning others.  My God!  When will this insanity stop?!  This also got me to thinking why aren't workplace potlucks illegal too?  My guess, is that in a workplace environment, this rampant poisoning with potlucks dishes can be controlled.  If say, you have thirty people bringing thirty separate dishes...well not all thirty because there are always people that pretend to bring something but actually only come to chow down for free....then it's easier to find the perpetrator, you know the one person who brought the 'funny tasting beans.'   And who enforces this law?  Is there a potluck task force?  Little old ladies cruising the neighborhoods and church parking lots for crock pots and uncovered bowls of potato salad?  Thank God the state of Arizona House of Representatives is trying now to delete/repeal this egregious law.  However in order to do this new bill has to go for review to the state Senate and if approved then to the governor for signature, assuming that he does not veto it.  It's quite possible he could.  Then again, I hear our government puts on great potlucks.  Workplace potlucks you know.


Diane said…
Hmm, I'd never heard of that particular lunacy. Considering the number of workplace-related incidents that are reported in the news, I would think that would be the one place not to have potlucks.

Perhaps other venues need to rename the events, something like "individual-to-share meals" or "public gathering with food."

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