
Showing posts from May, 2018

God and All The Shit he has on his Table

It just seems to me that God has a lot of shit on his table.  I mean, from what I understand and what little of The Bible I’ve read, that he is omnipotent…meaning he knows everyone’s shit.  That is approximately as of today, 7.6 billion people.  That is a lot of fucking stuff to remember.  Keep in mind that I am not in any way trying to be offensive.  The word ‘fuck’ is in actuality a perfect word….a noun…a verb…an adjective that represents, in today’s society, especially political, so much more and then some.  So, I’m exploring the saying, adage or whatever, “when one door closes, God opens another door.”  Seriously?  He has that much time on his hands, what, with parting seas, turning some liquids into other liquids and smiting those that cause harm…I prefer the words from Reverend Scott in ‘The Poseidon Adventure,’ ”God helps those who help themselves.”  At some point in time, we need to ‘get our shit together.’    I realize that...

The Sign of the Times or Old-Fashioned

I am not up-to-date.  I don't give a shit about 'latest inventions or an upgrade of a cell phone or what the fuck ever.'  I don't have many friends, nor do I want to have many friends.  I have a Tracphone....a cell phone I basically use for emergencies.  I feel no need to constantly text friends.  I'm convinced that if we continue this "texting" phase we as a human race will lose the ability to speak in coherent, full sentences.  Then again, I'm truly not interested in anyone that cannot form a complete sentence.  Anyone for thetherball?

POS and Others That Qualify

Noun: harassment hu’ras-munt or her –us-ment The feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented “So great was his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors”                  The act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism Kind of makes you wonder if a person could successfully sue the person doing the harassing, say like the POTUS which is clearly misspelled.   It’s POS, dummy.   Just something I was thinking.   Feel free to disassociate yourself from me if you actually feel my assessment is eschewed from those who have not lost their minds or who haven’t been blinded by celebrity, albeit self-aggrandizing.    And just in case you think my opinion is FOS, why not take the time to actually do some research.   I did, and I know a POS aka (a bullshiter) when I see one.   Mind you, I’m not aggrandizing my IQ, just being practical. ...